Cultural exchange between the students of Foreign Language Teacher Education Faculty and foreign volunteers

  • Posted: 28/May/2014
  • By: Admin
  • Viewer: 1154
On May 16th 2014, there was a cultural exchange session for the students of Foreign Language Teacher Education Faculty taking place at Lecture Hall 1, Dong Thap University.  This session was successfully hold with the participation of Mr. Manuel Victor Bringas, Mrs. Ruth Michie Sadoyama Bringas from English Language Institute (ELI) and Mr. Andy Dao – a volunteer English teacher at Dong Thap University. This program brought chances of practice English speaking skill, fun activities to the students and helped them to get much more knowledge on the culture of Pennsylvania, Hawaii and California which are the homelands of the three lecturers.
Some photos at the cultural exchange:
Three lecturers of the cultural exchange (from left to right): Mrs. Bringas, Mr. Bringas and Mr. Andy Dao
The three lecturers respectively make presentations about their states 
The students are instructed to sing and dance a Hawaiian song