• Posted: 17/Feb/2023
  • By: Admin
  • Viewer: 6065

Dong Thap University (Abbrevation: DThU, Vietnamese: Trường Đại học Đồng Tháp) is a public multidisciplinary institution directly under the Ministry of Education and Training of Vietnam, established with its initial name Dong Thap Pedagogical University pursuant to Decision N0. 08/2003/QĐ-TTg dated 10 January 2003 of the Prime Minister and renamed Dong Thap University pursuant to Official Dispatch N0. 5830/VPCP-KGVX dated 4 September 2008.

Duties and powers

- Formulating strategy and implement action plans for the development of the institution.

- Conducting training, science and technology activities, international cooperation, and assuring the education quality of institution.

- Developing training programs basing on defined goals, and assuring the connection between training programs and levels.

- Shaping and operating the institution’s organizational structure; Recruiting, employing and managing officers and employees; Ensuring the lawful rights and interests of laborers; Managing learners and fully satisfying the rights, regimes and policies for learners; Paying attention to the implementation of social policies for learners entitled to social policies including those from ethnic minority areas and areas with extremely difficult socio-economic conditions; Ensuring a pedagogical environment for educational activities.

- Self-assessing the institution’s training quality and being assessed by authorized organizations for education quality accreditation.

- Being allocated or leased to use land and facilities by the State; Having prerogatives of tax exemption or reduction as prescribed by law.

- Mobilizing, managing and utilizing resources; Building, strengthening and investing facilities for educational activities.

- Cooperating with economic, educational, cultural, physical training, sports, health, and scientific research organizations nationwide and worldwide.

- Submitting reports, being examined and inspected by the Ministry of Education and Training, relevant ministries and authorized organizations, and the People's Committee of the province where the institution is located or where any of its training activities are present.

- Exercising autonomy and being in charge of accountability.

- Performing other duties and powers as prescribed by law.

Organizational Structure

The institution’s organizational structure includes 11 training faculties, 12 functional divisions, 05 centers, 01 pedagogical practice kindergarten and 01 inter-level school.


As of February 2023, the university has 548 officials and laborers, in which, there are 508 officials and 40 laborers. Regarding the qualifications of the teaching staff, there are 17 associate professors, 90 doctors, 333 masters and 12 bachelors (preschool teachers).

Training Activity

The quantity and structure of training programs continuously develop on the basis of training quality assurance. Currently, the university is organizing 1 postgraduate training program: Educational Management; 10 graduate training programs: Educational Management, Mathematics Teaching Theory and Methodology, Primary Education Studies, Vietnamese Linguistics, Theoretical Chemistry and Physical Chemistry, Vietnamese History; English Language Teaching Theories and Methodology, Environment Sciences, Economic Management, Theoretical Physics and Mathematical Physics; 31 undergraduate training programs and 1 junior college training program.

As of February 2023, the university is training 23 postgraduate students, 808 graduate students, 6,481 full-time undergraduate students and 8,000 transfer and part-time students at 33 joint training units of provinces in the Mekong Delta and nationwide.

Outstanding Achievements 


- Third-class Independence Medal (2009)

- First-class Labor Medal (2003)

- Second-class Labor Medal (1997)

- Third-class Labor Medal (1985)

Emulation flags, Certificates of merit

- Certificate of merit awarded by the Prime Minister in 2008.

- Government emulation flags in 2018, 2022.

- Emulation flag awarded by the Ministry of Education and Training in 2017.

- Emulation flags awarded by the People's Committee of Dong Thap province in 2007, 2009, 2015, 2022.

- Certificates of merit awarded by the Ministry of Education and Training in 2009, 2010, 2011, 2015, 2016, 2019, 2021.

- Certificates of merit awarded by the People's Committee of Dong Thap province in 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2016, 2019, 2021.