• Posted: 17/Dec/2024
  • By: Admin
  • Viewer: 12
On November 11, Dong Thap University received and worked with a delegation from Chuxiong Normal University, China led by Mr. He Yongtai, Vice President of Chuxiong Normal University, together with the institution’s Deans, Vice-Deans of Faculties and other delegation members.
Receiving and working with the delegation were Mr. Cao Dao Thep - Vice Rector of the University, Mr. Nguyen Van Dung - Rector of School of Education and representatives of Dong Thap University’s tranining programs in close bounderies with those available in the partner’s.
At the meeting session, the two sides signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on cooperation in the fields of education, training, scientific research and lecturer-students exchange. In particular, the two universities committed to promoting cooperation in the exchange of lecturers and students belonging to teacher education programs and Chinese language, and at the same time to implementing the 3+1 training model (3-year study in Vietnam and 1-year study in China). 
Speaking at the program, Mr. Cao Dao Thep expressed the Unuiversity’s desire to promote long-term cooperation with Chuxiong Normal University, emphasizing on the meanings of models of associated training programs, typically 3+1 and 2+2. He shared his expectations for the expansion posibility of scholarship programs from the Chinese government to Vietnamese students, which might create the latter wide range of opportunities for studies and cultural exchange in China. Representatives of Dong Thap University also proposed the idea that lecturers from Chuxiong Normal University could come and work in Dong Thap University as inviting lecturers, and that both universities could organize short-term exchange programs for students.
Within the cooperation framework, the two universities committed to promoting exchange programs among lecturers and students, encouraging their academic activities, and their participation in scientific workshops and cultural exchanges. Vice President of Chuxiong Normal University also emphasized the importance of ensuring the safety and quality of life for students and lecturers during the exchange period.
In addition to discussion about the feasibility of implementing the programs of teacher education and language, the two universities also expanded their talks on the cooperation opportunities in scientific research fields, as well as those in such training programs of such emerging sciences as energy, information technology, digital transformation and artificial intelligence (AI), with the hope of creating wider potential cooperation opportunities in the time to come.
Some photos of the working session:
Photos and news by Hoai Phong
Translated by Pham Van Tac