• Posted: 29/May/2024
  • By: Admin
  • Viewer: 37
On January 21, Dong Thap University solemnly held the opening ceremony for graduate classes of Courses XII and XIII and awarded master's degrees to Course X students who successfully defended their theses in 2023 in the fields of Educational Management, Mathematics Teaching Theory & Methodology, Primary Education Studies, Theoretical Chemistry and Physical Chemistry, Vietnamese Language, and Vietnamese History.
Attending the ceremony were leaders from Dong Thap University, including Dr. Truong Tan Dat, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of the University Council; Dr. Luong Thanh Tan, Vice Rector; Meritorious Teacher - Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Van De, Chairman of the Science and Training Council and Head of the Educational Management major; Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ho Sy Thang, Head of the Graduate Studies Office; as well as other leaders of offices, faculties, and heads of training majors. The event was also attended by new students, recent master's graduates, and their relatives, family, and friends.
In particular, at this solemn ceremony, Dong Thap University held the opening for Course XII, Phase 2 (2023-2025), and Course XIII (2024-2026), welcoming 295 newly admitted students.
During the program, 22 new masters from Course X (2021-2023), out of a total of 173 graduates recognized for graduation this time, were commended and awarded certificates of merit for their outstanding achievements in studies, scientific research, and contributions to the class.
The success of the ceremony marks a significant achievement in graduate training for Dong Thap University, showcasing the institution's dedication to cultivating high-quality human resources for society. This success is a testament to the dedication of the staff and lecturers, as well as the learning and research efforts of all students involved.
To date, Dong Thap University has conducted 13 master's level training courses across 14 majors, enrolling a total of 2,778 students. Additionally, there are 36 postgraduates enrolled in 5 doctoral training courses specializing in Educational Management at the institution. Presently, the university continues to accept applications for doctoral degrees in Educational Management and 14 master's programs. Notably, the new master's programs include Teaching English Theory and Methodology, Environmental Science, Economic Management, Theoretical Physics and Mathematical Physics, Biology, and Business Administration. For further information, please contact: Graduate Studies Office, Dong Thap University; Telephone: 0277. 3881 622 
Photos of the event






News & Photos: Thanh Nguyen, Hoai Phong
Translation: Le Chanh Truc