• Posted: 08/Jan/2024
  • By: Admin
  • Viewer: 335
On January 4, Mr. Cao Dao Thep, Vice Rector of Dong Thap University, welcomed and engaged in discussions with the Champasak University delegation from the Lao People's Democratic Republic, led by Mr. Saly Detmongkhoun, Vice Rector of Champasak University.

During the meeting, representatives from both institutions introduced, shared information, and proposed specific collaborative activities for the future, focusing on strengthening cooperation between Dong Thap University and Champasak University in training, scientific research, and student and lecturer exchanges.

Accompanying the delegation from Champasak University this time were five students who had enrolled in the Vietnamese preparation course to fulfill the language requirement for joining graduate and post-graduate courses at Dong Thap University next year.
This was the second time the Champasak University delegation sent students to Dong Thap University to study Vietnamese as part of the collaborative admission agreement between the two institutions.

News and Photos: Thanh Nguyen 

Translation: Le Chanh Truc