• Posted: 27/Feb/2023
  • By: Admin
  • Viewer: 310
On February 12th, 2023, a training workshop on AUN-QA Assessment Criteria, Phase 2, Academic Year 2022-2023, presented by Assoc. Prof., Dr. Le Quang Minh, former Chairman of Education Quality Assurance Council, Vietnam National University Ho Chi Minh City, was organized in Dong Thap University.

The scene of the workshop
Attending the workshop were Dr. Luong Thanh Tan, Vice Rector of Dong Thap University and members of the Self-Assessment Boards, Secretariat Groups, Specialist Groups of 4 bachelor training programs: Mathematics Teacher Education, Chemistry Teacher Education, Primary Education and Chinese language.

Assoc. Prof., Dr. Le Quang Minh, former Chairman of Education Quality Assurance Council, Vietnam National University Ho Chi Minh City presents the report on AUA-QA assessment criteria
The workshop provided the essential information on the AUN-QA assessment criteria applicable to bachelor training programs, its latest modifications (4th version),…for the participants, especially the lecturers and staff of Dong Thap University as well as provided them with detailed guidance on how to write the self-assessment reports for their training programs.

The participants at the workshop
In the workshop sessions, Dr. Le Quang Minh presented the detailed contents on how a bachelor training program would be assessed (at program level) under AUN-QA assessment criteria (the fourth version), beginning with  the approach towards AUN-QA assessment system by unified principles; then tactics for minimizing the overlapped or unidentified contents in the intended reports; the latest modified version of AUN-QA (from 11 to 8 assessment criteria), including expected learning outcomes, program’s organization and contents, teaching and learning methods, testing and assessment, lecturers, services for students, teaching-learning facilities and equipment, learning outcomes and graduation rates.
News & Photos: Hoang Long
Translation: Pham Van Ta